Introducing the project
What is the goal of MOSMIN?
Mining plays a significant role in providing the materials used to help us live comfortably in daily modern life, from the gadgets in our pockets, to the energy that powers our homes, and the vehicles that take us to work. The minerals and metals extracted through mining are also important for driving economic, technological and infrastructural development. However, the waste generated from these activities comes with inherent geotechnical and environmental risks. MOSMIN (Multiscale observation services for mining-related deposits) is a research project dedicated to making it easier to identify these risks, as well as measuring the potential to extract valuable materials from the waste. It aims to do this using a combination of satellite, aerial, and ground data - providing a new and holistic view that could help improve the safety and efficiency of mining operations.
Find out more about the project goals and methodology in our about page.
Who are we working with?
MOSMIN is coordinated by the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf and is working together with 12 partners, including research organisations, small-to-medium business enterprises and mining companies:
Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ): Germany’s national research center for the solid Earth Sciences. Its mission is to deepen the knowledge of the dynamics of the solid Earth, and to develop solutions for grand challenges facing society.
Babeş-Bolyai University (UBB): an academic educational public institution aiming to promote and sustain the development of specific cultural components within the local, regional, national and international community.
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC): a non-profit research institution based in Castelldefels (Barcelona), resulting from a public initiative of the Regional Government of Catalonia.
Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC): Chile's leading research centre in technology applied to mining. AMTC is part of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.
Nordic Strategy Partners: a management consulting firm that supports clients with their most important challenges and helps them both identify and realize their opportunities.
TheiaX GmbH: a spin-off of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF). Their expertise combines hyperspectral imaging and machine learning techniques providing the exploration and mining sectors with bespoke solutions.
GeoKinesia: a world-leading provider of land deformation monitoring services that uses satellite radar data.
Boliden: a mining and smelting company focused on metals like zinc, copper, and gold. It operates mines and smelters in Scandinavia, playing a significant role in the global metals industry.
CODELCO: the world’s largest copper producer, a Chilean state-owned company, responsible for about 8% of global copper output.
First Quantum Minerals: a global producer of copper in the form of concentrate, cathode and anode. It also has inventories of nickel, gold and cobalt.
Cuprumin Abrud Ltd.: a state-owned company specializing in copper mining and processing. It operates the Roșia Poieni mine, the largest copper reserve in Romania, playing a key role in the country's mining industry.
What have we done so far?
More project achievements
Acquisition of hyperspectral satellite data:
EnMAP data acquired on 4 sites, providing high-resolution hyperspectral imagery for environmental monitoring.
Other available datasets:
Nordic Strategy Partners (NSP) held discussions and workshops with CTTC and GeoKinesia to talk abut the commercialisation strategy for monitoring services in the mining sector.
NSP held interviews with more than 30 industry actors (mining companies and consultancies) to find out about current practices and needs.
On June 20, 2024, NSP conducted a market research workshop to discuss products, platforms, and commercialization options with the partners.
Creation of visual and content identity, including templates for presentations, posters and other documentation.
Creation of project website.
Creation of Linkedin page.
Article published in Mining Magazine.
What’s next?
Upcoming Conferences
Geodesy, geoinformation and land management. September 24-26, Germany.
Southern African Geophysical Association’s 18th Biennial Conference & Exhibition. October 1-4, Namibia.
Upcoming Event
User Consultation
Platform 2024
8 October, 2024 • 09:00 - 17:30
EUSPA will hold an online User Consultation Platform (UCP) for business and industry leaders, entrepreneurs, service providers, innovators and other EU Space user communities to express their needs and requirements, share best practices and present case studies.
There will be a specific session in the afternoon on using Copernicus services in the Raw Materials sector. MOSMIN will be represented at the Environmental impact monitoring for mines round table (@14:00 - 15:30).
Presentation of user needs and requirements gathered from industry.
Discussions on innovative space data applications in mining:
Environmental impact monitoring for mines.
Mining site exploration, planning, and monitoring
Networking opportunities with industry peers.