Quarterly Newsletter: Issue 1

What is the goal of MOSMIN?

Mining plays a significant role in providing the materials used to help us live comfortably in daily modern life, from the gadgets in our pockets, to the energy that powers our homes, and the vehicles that take us to work. The minerals and metals extracted through mining are also important for driving economic, technological and infrastructural development. However, the waste generated from these activities comes with inherent geotechnical and environmental risks. MOSMIN (Multiscale observation services for mining-related deposits) is a research project dedicated to making it easier to identify these risks, as well as measuring the potential to extract valuable materials from the waste. It aims to do this using a combination of satellite, aerial, and ground data - providing a new and holistic view that could help improve the safety and efficiency of mining operations.

Find out more about the project goals and methodology in our about page.


Who are we working with?

MOSMIN is coordinated by the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf and is working together with 12 partners, including research organisations, small-to-medium business enterprises and mining companies:

    • Nordic Strategy Partners: a management consulting firm that supports clients with their most important challenges and helps them both identify and realize their opportunities.

    • TheiaX GmbH: a spin-off of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF). Their expertise combines hyperspectral imaging and machine learning technics providing the exploration and mining sectors with bespoke solutions.

    • Geo Kinesia: a world-leading provider of land deformation monitoring services that uses satellite radar data.

    • Boliden: a mining and smelting company focused on metals like zinc, copper, and gold. It operates mines and smelters in Scandinavia, playing a significant role in the global metals industry.

    • CODELCO: the world's leading producer of copper mines, a leader in mineral reserves worldwide and a driving force behind the country's development.

    • First Quantum Minerals: a global copper company, producing copper in the form of concentrate, cathode and anode, and have inventories of nickel, gold and cobalt.

    • Cuprumin Abrud Ltd.: a state-owned company specializing in copper mining and processing. It operates the Roșia Poieni mine, the largest copper reserve in Romania, playing a key role in the country's mining industry.


Find out more about partner representatives and project roles on our team page.


What have we done so far?

  • December: Grant Agreement signed, press release published on the HZDR website

  • January: Kick-off meeting: project partners coming together to discuss activities and next steps, pre-financing received

  • February: external advisory board members announced 

  • March: work package structure announced, PDAC conference attendance  

  • April: project rebranding, EGU conference attendance 

  • May: Website landing page published, first batch of results from WP2 

  • June: New advisory board member, planned fieldwork announced, Market research workshop held
